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 Political News

Supplement marketers win First Amendment rights in FDA court battle
Bill would allow Medicare coverage for self-treatment
White House, United Nations and Japan issue new rules for GMOs
New health claims for fiber, folic acid, not approved
NIH establishes two new centers for supplement research
Bill to restrict the distribution of genetically engineered foods introduced
USDA proposes strict national standards for organic food
UN begins four-year study on genetically modified (GM) foods
FDA proposes that all pregnancy-related conditions be treated as disease claims
California bill would mandate warning on ephedra products
USDA approves soy as meat substitute in schools
House OKs DEA control of gamma butyrolactone (GBL)
FDA Office of Food Labeling and Office of Special Nutritionals merge.
US bans export of wild ginseng
Nutraceutical Research and Education Act introduced on House floor
FDA approves soy health claim
FDA forbids Natrol from selling red yeast rice product
FDA proposes survey of supplement manufacturing practices
Rob McCaleb Testifies about Proposed FDA Supplement Labeling Rules
Public meeting on health claims under FDA Modernization Act (FDAMA)
FDA sponsors second public meeting on regulatory strategy for supplements
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