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Recommended Links to the World of HerbsHerb SitesNote: Each link will open a new browser window. Close this second window to return to the HRF site. See also: Ogranizations/Associations Algy's Home Page - www.algy.com/herb Very comprehensive collection of herb information. Voted as being one of the top 5% of websites. American Botanical Council - www.herbalgram.org Book reviews, bookstore on site, publisher of HerbalGram, a quarterly herb journal coproduced with Herb Research Foundation. American Herbalists Guild - http://www.americanherbalistsguild.com/ The official website of the Guild, which represents traditional herbalists in the US.
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia - www.herbal-ahp.org The AHP is a nonprofit education organization dedicated to producing comprehensive, peer-reviewed monographs on botanical medicines. Each monograph provides complete quality control and therapeutic information, including a thorough review of the available clinical and pharmacological literature; macroscopic, microscopic, and chemical identification; substantiated analytical methods; dosages; complete safety profile; substantiated structure/function claims; historical use; and botany.
American Herb Association - http://www.ahaherb.com/ Public education about herbs and herbal products. Includes nationwide network of current data and resources for members. Laboratory projects, herb garden, library, quarterly newsletter. Botanical.com - http://www.botanical.com/ Home Page of A Modern Herbal by Mrs. M. Grieve, originally published 1931.
Christopher Hobbs' Virtual Herbal - http://www.christopherhobbs.com/ This virtual Herbal is devoted to honoring the plants, the spirit and traditions of herbal medicine, and to the celebration of health-your health, and the health of all life on Earth Dr. Andrew Weil - http://www.drweil.com/ "Ask Dr. Weil" website includes a daily Q & A, a searchable database of health information, and a practitioner referral directory.
Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases - http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/
Glossary of Latin Roots of Botanical Names - http://garden-gate.prairienet.org/botrts.htm Health World Online - Herbal Materia Medica - http://www.healthy.net/clinic/therapy/herbal/herbic/herbs/index.asp By David Hoffmann, M.H.I.M.H. Henriette's Herbal Homepage - sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed This site is from the webmaster of the sunsite herbal collection at the U. of North Carolina. Includes a very rich collection of links to other sites.
The Herbal Bookworm - http://www.pacinfo.com/~herbmed/bookworm.html This site offers information, perspectives and resources on phytotherapy (herbal medicine as distinct from herbal medicines). It includes definitions of herbal medicine, book reviews of leading texts on the subject, and resources on specific issues such as herb-drug and herb-nutrient interactions.
Herbal Hall - http://www.herb.com/herbal.htm Home of the Professional Herbalists Discussion List Herb Growing and Marketing Network - www.herbworld.com The Herb Growing & Marketing Network is a trade association for the herb industry with around 2000 members in business since 1990. They are an information service with a library of over 3000 books, over 200 periodicals, and they monitor 10 internet mailing lists and search the Web looking for resources and research on the herb industry that they pass on to their members. They also publish the Herbal Green Pages, an industry wide annual resource guide, a quarterly trade journal, The Bu$iness of Herbs, proceedings from their national conferences and other booklets of interest. HerbMed® - http://www.herbmed.org/ HerbMed® is an interactive, electronic herbal database that provides hyperlinked access to the scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health. It is an evidence-based information resource for professionals, researchers, and general public. Herb Research Foundation - http://www.herbs.org/ The Herb Research Foundation is the world's first and foremost source of accurate, science-based information on the health benefits and safety of medicinal plants. Founded in 1983 with a mission of herb research and public education, HRF remains committed to supporting the public's right to truthful information about the health benefits of herbs. What sets our work apart is our vast storehouse of information resources, including a specialty research library containing more than 300,000 scientific articles on thousands of herbs.
Herbs to Avoid during Pregnancy - HRF's Information Packet (40+ pages of info) Safety Chart: http://www.buildingbetterhealth.com/topic/9177 Herb Society of America - www.herbsociety.org An organization for those interested in the diverse uses of herbs (not necessarily medical), including botanical and horticultural research as well as culinary and economic uses. Herb Society of America holds an annual convention and publishes a bimonthly newsletter and membership directory.
Medicinal and Poisonous Plant Databases - http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/b-online/ibc99/poison/ Medicinal herb FAQ - http://ibiblio.org/herbmed/faqs/medi-cont.html All you ever wanted to know - and ask on a newsgroup - more often than once a month - about medicinal herbs. A FAQ for alt.folklore.herbs and the medicinal herblist.
Medicinal Herbs Online - http://www.egregore.com/index.htm The Medicinal Herbs Online site was created to help educate visitors about the often forgotten wisdom of the old ways of treating illnesses. Many of today's drugs and medicines were originally derived from natural ingredients, combinations of plants and other items found in nature. Medical Herbalism (MedHerb.com) - http://www.medherb.com/ Links to medical information and to any resource relevant to medicinal herbs or herbalism practiced a clinical setting, regardless of the medical tradition or system. The Natural Pharmacist - http://www.tnp.com/tnp-consumer.asp In this Herbs and Supplements area, you will find the latest scientific information on natural remedies and their uses. This A-Z guide covers hundreds of herbs, vitamins, and supplements. See also The Natural Health Encyclopedia to look up conditions and drug interactions. Old World Apothecary - http://www.oldworldapothecary.com Herb information, herb lore, herb resources, and herbal products. Phytonet - http://www.escop.com/ The home of the European Scientific Cooperative On Phytomedicine (ESCOP) provides a form (in 5 languages) for reporting adverse reactions to herbal products.
Phytopharmacognosy - http://www.phytochemistry.freeserve.co.uk/ Professional herb information including the mailing list by the same name, which carries on a rather overwhelming discussion (sometimes dozens of messages per day) of various botanical topics.
Plants For A Future - Database Search - http://www.scs.leeds.ac.uk/pfaf/D_search.html Plants For A Future is a resource centre for rare and unusual plants, particularly those which have edible, medicinal or other uses. Psychedelic Space - http://www.levity.com/eschaton/hallucination.html Psychedelic Plant information.
Raintree's Tropical Plant Database - http://www.rain-tree.com/plants.htm Raintree's website is dedicated to providing information and education on the important plants of the Amazon Rainforest. The Plant Database section is continuously under construction as they continue to add more rainforest plants which are under research.
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine (Michael Moore's Homepage) - http://wolf.mind.net/SWSBM/HOMEPAGE/HomePage.html An extensive resource site with downloadable educational materials including Eclectic works, a huge collection of plant photos and drawings, plant constituents, research abstracts on various plants and course information on Michael Moore's classes.
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