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HerbalGram named by Utne Reader as top alternative magazine

For the second time in three years, HerbalGram has been named by Utne Reader as one of the best magazines in the alternative publishing area. In 1997, both HerbalGram and Herbs for Health were among five magazines chosen as finalists in Utne Reader's "lifestyle" magazine category. This year, HerbalGram is one of five finalists in the "science and environment" category.

"The recognition by Utne Reader of HerbalGram's quality is a strong endorsement of the work that all of us do at ABC and HRF," remarked Mark Blumenthal, Executive Director of American Botanical Council, in a letter of acknowledgment to HRF. "I want to thank you and your staff for your excellent contributions in the research review area, which has helped make HerbalGram the publication that it is and is being acknowledged for." ABC and HRF have co-published HerbalGram since HRF inception in 1983. HRF President Rob McCaleb serves as technical editor for HerbalGram, and the HRF editorial department manages the writing, editing, and peer-review process for the research reviews section of the magazine.

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