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Maca stimulates sexual function in male mice

Male mice treated for 22 days with a lipidic extract of maca (Lepidium meyenii)
demonstrated 2.9 to 4.1 times more mating behavior than mice in an untreated control group, according to the results of a Chinese study. The mice in the maca group showed a significant increase in both mounting and copulatory behavior, compared with controls. Two different maca preparations were tested, both standardized to the fatty acids macaene and macamide. The researchers claim that theirs is the first study to scientifically demonstrate an aphrodisiac effect for maca. Zheng BL, He K, Hyungchan C, et al. Effect of a lipidic extract from Lepidium meyenii on sexual behavior in mice and rats. Urology 2000; 55: 598-602.

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