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Citizens For Health announces "Save DSHEA" nationwide consumer campaign.

  In response to the FDA's proposed regulations on structure/function label claims allowed under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, Citizen's for Health (CFH) is hoping to generate 100,000 consumer letters to meet the August 27 deadline for public comment, which has been extended to September 25 from an original deadline of August 27, 1998. CFH Executive Director Susan Haeger said, "FDA has inverted the whole concept of wellness and prevention so that consumers' efforts to prevent disease would now be considered 'disease-related.'"

The group specifically objects to the FDA's broad redefinition of "disease," which could significantly restrict consumer access to information. According to Haeger, the disease redefinition could be interpreted to include menopause, pregnancy, and aging as disease states. The group also urges an end to FDA's "intent to use" concept which could lead to reclassification of certain dietary supplements as drugs, based on how consumers intend to use them. The "Save DSHEA" campaign is supported by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Utah Natural Products Association (UNPA), the National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA), and many retailer chains, including General Nutrition Centers and Wild Oats. For more information, contact Citizens For Health at (303) 417-0772, email cfh@ares.csd.net, or visit their website, www.citizens.org.
  Natural Business, July 1998.  
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